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Ejnar Berthelsen/

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M73 #431

august 1987 - Vejle, at Ejnar Berthelsen, August 1987. From 1973 Aabenraa Karosserifabrik introduced a new design for its bodies, the M73 later to be followed by the M75. DSB Rutebiler (the bus division of the Danish State Railways) purchased such vehicles in large numbers with the Volvo B58-60 chassis. The former DSB Rutebiler no. 431 was delivered in 1973. It was cannibalised and later scrapped at Ejnar Berthelsen.
Author: HKN

Volvo B58-60 / Aabenraa M73 #471

september 1987 - Vejle, Mågevej, September 1987. The former vehicle no. 471 of DSB Rutebiler was withdrawn from service with DSB in Odense in 1987 and resold to a private buyer through Ejnar Berthelsen.
Author: HKN
Comments: 2



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