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다모아자동차 주식회사 [Damoa Jatongcha Jusinhwoesa]/

Hyundai New Super Aero City #서울74사9516

1 march 2019 - Seoul, Jongno-gu, Jong-ro (서울특별시 종노구 종로), Jongno 4-ga, Jongmyo bus stop.
601: 개화역광역환승센터 (Gaehwa Station Transit Center) → 혜화역.서울연극센터(장면총리가옥) (Hyehwa Station, Seoul Theatre Centre (Sangmyeon Prime Minister`s House)) → 개화역광역환승센터 (Gaehwa Station Transit Center) (circular route)
What did I notice in South Korea? The South Korean capital doesn`t have one of the problems that the Japanese ones - the first one has noticeably more space. As such, the city has many wide roads with bus lanes along the middle like a tram. Bus traffic jams made up of mostly domestic buses are not a rarity in the most critical moments.

Author: TranslatorPS

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