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ОАО ПО Усть-Илимский лесопромышленный комплекс

Operators Details

NameОАО ПО Усть-Илимский лесопромышленный комплекс
Operators Attributes
Other InformationUILPK is a wood industry company, operating a 14.5 km long semi-rapid tram line which connects living estates with some of the company\'s subsidiaries. The line is opened to the public, however, the work schedule is adjusted mainly for the company workers\' needs - trams run every 5 min. during the peak hours, and with a 25-30 min. headway in the remaining parts of the day, also on Sa, Su and holidays.
The line runs on its own right-of-way, with quite long distances between stops and a little number of road intersections. Those parameters allow to achieve an average speed equal to 28 km/h, which under Russian standards qualifies the system to be recognized as a rapid transit.

See http://transphoto.ru/articles/807/ for system maps.

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Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
001-010 71-605УКВЗУКВЗ 71-605УКВЗ 71-605Динамо ДК-259Г31987-
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