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Mercedes-Benz O303-15R / Bianchi #E 9198 BM

22 august 2012 - Melnik - the smallest town in Bulgaria. Bus company "Patnicheski Prevozi" Ltd service line from Melnik to Blagoevgrad. Time of departure at 11:00 from Blagoevgrad and from Melnik at 16:00 (18:00 seasonal).

Mercedes-Benz O303-15R / Bianchi #E 9198 BM

25 april 2010 - Blagoevgrad, str. Dimitar Solunski.

Mercedes-Benz O303-15R / Bianchi #LCH 10CF

13 may 2009 - Chełm, dworzec PKS. Flagowy wóz Gran-Spedu.

Mercedes-Benz O303-15R / Bianchi #LCH 10CF

13 may 2009 - Chełm, dworzec PKS. Proszę o pomoc w identyfikacji modelu.



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