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Eidan 7000 #7002

4 april 2019 - Namegawa (Saitama Pref.), Haneo, eastern half of Tōbu Railway`s Shinrinkōen station (埼玉県比企郡滑川町羽尾・東武鉄道森林公園駅).
Yūrakuchō/Fukutoshin/Tōyoko line diagram 87S: 787-132/B1387S/F1187S, Motomachi-chūkagai 13:03 → Shinrinkōen 14:53 (88.6 km)
For its first nine years, this set operated with only five cars (7102-7702-7802-7902-7002). Only by 1983 were the remaining five cars coupled in, hence half of the set is older than the other half... albeit equipped the same way.



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