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Golden Dragon XML6105 #4-28(2)

16 february 2024 - Bangkok, Chinatown.

Hino 300 / Kaona #31-4900

24 february 2024 - Phuket, Patong Beach. Według mnie brak modelu w bazie Hino 300.

Hino AK176 #5-40150

18 february 2024 - Bangkok, Si Lom Rd.

Hino AK176 #3-40229

1 march 2024 - Bangkok, Phetchaburi Rd.

Hino AK176 #4-40495

1 march 2024 - Bangkok, Phaya Thai rd.

Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450L/38 / Tomassini #7

18 november 2023 - Wulkan Etna.

Tecnobus Gulliver U520 #666

3 january 2024 - Roma, Via del Corso.

Author: 16v RSS
Place: Roma (Lazio) | Owner: ATAC Roma

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O530 C2 Hybrid #835

4 january 2024 - Roma, Via Nazionale.

Author: 16v RSS
Place: Roma (Lazio) | Owner: ATAC Roma | Route: 70

Ikarus 250 #A 2922 BT

17 april 2013 - Вече вероятно бракуваният икарус 2922 по линия 34, бул. Стефан Стамболов.

Isuzu Turquoise II #B 42 LET

23 march 2014 - Bucureşti, Calea Giuleşti.

Volvo B10R / Ajokki City #АВ 475 35

8 march 2011 - Череповецкий район, посёлок Ирдоматка, улица Новая.

Scania CN113CLL #АЕ 966 35

9 october 2010 - Череповецкий район, пгт. Хохлово

Solaris Urbino 12 #93-630-53

23 october 2013 - Bolechowo-Osiedle, fabryka Solarisa.
Zdjęcie wykonane i udostępnione przez Norberta Olszewskiego. Dodane jako ciekawostka.
Jest to jedna z 60 sztuk Urbino 12, które są obecnie dostarczane do Izraela. W tle widać InterUrbino - również dla tego samego przewoźnika. Będzie ich aż 53.
Autobusy mają długą trasę, ponieważ z Bolechowa jadą przez Kudowę, Bratysławę, Budapest, Craiovę, Sofię, Saloniki, Ateny i Lavrio. Następnie płyną promem do Hiafy, gdzie są odbierane przez kierowców przewoźnika. Sama podróż na prom zajmuje trzy dni.
Na specjalne życzenie klienta, autobusy na czas transportu są oklejone specjalną folią bąbelkową, by zapobiec uszkodzeniom lakieru głównie w Rumunii i Bułgarii, gdzie drogi nie są za ciekawe.

Comments: 17

Scania CN113CLL #Е 447 ВУ 35

10 november 2013 - Город Череповец, улица Краснодонцев.

Solaris Urbino 12 #303

15 july 2013 - Wałbrzych - skrzyżowanie ulic Wrocławskiej, Uczniowskiej i Charlesa de Gaulle`a. Z tego co podało Muzyczne Radio to jadący autobus linii nr 18 zjeżdżając ulicą Uczniowską do skrzyżowania i dalej w stronę ulicy Charlesa de Gaulle`a, wymusił pierwszeństwo na VW LT(jakimś tam) pewnej firmy budowlanej. Efektem tego była stłuczka i zablokowanie ważnego dla Wałbrzycha skrzyżowania (podejrzewam że korek sięgał do Świebodzic :) ). Pojazdy z miejsca zdarzenia odjechały o własnych siłach. Uszkodzenia w autobusie widoczne na załączonym powyżej obrazku.

Author: Muszeknewser RSS
Place: Wałbrzych (Dolnośląskie) | Owner: ŚKA Wałbrzych | Transport Authority: ZDKiUM Wałbrzych | Route: 18

Comments: 7

Konstal 105Na #1228

26 june 2013 - Warszawa, Rondo Waszyngtona - Około godziny 16:40 w pierwszym wagonie tego składu zasłabła starsza kobieta. Potrzebna była interwencja karetki przez co motorniczy zatrzymał skład i zrobiło się mini zatrzymanie (naliczyłem 6 składów). Na zdjęciu tramwaj odjeżdża z miejsca zatrzymania z instruktorem.

Author: Marco RSS
Place: Warszawa (Mazowieckie) | Owner: TW Warszawa | Transport Authority: ZTM Warszawa | Route: 24

Irisbus Crossway 12 LE #ВТ 1268 ВН

7 march 2013 - Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. One of the most emblematic buses driven by one of the most emblematic drivers (who is known by both his fans and haters as The Chieftain) on one of the most emblematic bus lines in Veliko Turnovo is shown at the railway station bus stop.

Comments: 2

Irisbus Crossway 12 LE #В 3375 РМ

12 january 2013 - Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. Last month, this Irisbus was made a Christmas bus and was even driven by a driver dressed like Santa Claus :P The bus remained with this decoration throughout the first half of January. The picture was taken at the terminus of lines number 13 and 20 in the Buzludzha district, with the bus being scheduled to operate on the latter route.

Setra S215 HD #ВТ 7685 ВК

6 january 2013 - Sliven, Bulgaria. I never thought that Alex OK would trust this relatively old Setra coach to go all the way from Veliko Turnovo to Burgas and to get back safely, but it happened. As a matter of fact, it wasn't a bad trip except, maybe, for the driver who had to literally wrestle with the gear pole everytime he wanted to shift to the last gear, as it made very funny sound and refused to follow orders :P The picture was taken at the bus station in Sliven during the 30-minute break.

Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

17 november 2012 - Sozopol, Bulgaria. A picture of the interior of the bus. The upholstery of the seats is the original one, but the planes below the windows aren't, as the original ones were upholstered in brown. They were removed when the bus came through a maximum overhaul in 2008-2009 because they had swollen, but the newer ones not only look awful, but they also swole even faster. Some of the ceiling planes in section B were also replaced even though you can't notice it on this photo. Other than that, everything else is either original or taken from another Chavdar 120/141.

Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

17 november 2012 - Burgas, Bulgaria. This is the first and the last time any of the public transportation fans in Burgas saw this bus on Bus Station South (only buses and coaches for interurban routes can be seen there with the only exception being line number 15 which may be urban, but you don't get to see an articulated bus on it everyday). The picture was taken just before we left for Sozopol.

Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

17 november 2012 - As I already mentioned when I posted the previous photo, me and a few another public transportation enthusiasts rented the bus for a sort of a farewell trip to Sozopol. Just as we were about to enter Sozopol, we asked the driver (who also happens to like his bus and hates the fact that it's going to be scrapped) to stop, so we can take a picture of it outside the town.

Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

17 november 2012 - Sozopol, Bulgaria. Since in a few weeks this bus is going to be scrapped, me and a few other public transportation enthusiasts rented it for a trip to Sozopol. It is favorite for many of us and is one of the two last surviving representatives of Chavdar 141 in Burgas (we rented the other one last year, because this one wasn't available at the time due to some technical problems it had). 2013 will mark the beginning an entirely new age for public transportation in Burgas as not only will there be new routes that will take the place of the current ones, but the bus fleet will be almost entirely renewed with about 70 Solaris Urbino buses. I wish thay would preserve one Chavdar 141 or 120 for the future generations, but, unfortunately, that's not gonna happen :(

Comments: 3

Setra S215 UL #A 8572 KM

13 april 2012 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The interior of a suburban Setra bus.

Mercedes-Benz O405G #A 7994 KC

16 september 2011 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Possibly the best-looking Mercedes O405G buses of "SBA" is seen in Burgas in the end of the tourist season of 2011.

Neoplan N4007 CNG #BT 1196 BK

1 april 2012 - Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. The interior of a midi Neoplan bus which used to belong to "Atanasov" and is currently property of "Nadezhda".

NÜxx3 #BT 8346 BM

9 march 2012 - Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. A MAN bus having a break on the last stop of line №40 just a day before Tzarevetz Square and Kliment Ohridski Street got closed for repairs that are set to carry on for 3 months.

Mercedes-Benz O405N #ВТ 2159 ВМ

20 october 2011 - Veliko Tunovo, Bulgaria. Inside an ex-Berlin Mercedes O405N.

Irisbus Crossway 12 LE #СА 0867 РА

27 february 2012 - Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. The junction between Vasil Levski, N. Gabrovski and Bulgaria Boulevards. This Irisbus just got its first advertisement.

NÜxx3 #BT 0955 BP

26 october 2011 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. In the month of October, last year, the railroad between Veliko Tarnovo and Gorna Oryahovitza was closed for repairs and "Nadezhda" were paid to supply buses that would transport passengers of BDZ (the Bulgarian railroad operator) between the two towns in both directions. I call this MAN "The Negro" and I think it's clear why - a bus painted like that is probably almost invisible in the night :P The picture was taken at the rail station in Turnovo.

Comments: 2

N312/N3312 #BT 4130 BM

26 october 2011 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. In the month of October, last year, the railroad between Veliko Tarnovo and Gorna Oryahovitza was closed for repairs and "Nadezhda" were paid to supply buses that would transport passengers of BDZ (the Bulgarian railroad operator) between the two towns in both directions. This Neoplan happened to often perform the task. The picture was taken at the rail station in Turnovo.

Setra S315 HD #A 6115 KP

31 december 2011 - Sozopol, Bulgaria. One of the newer of the Setra coaches of "Sozopolbus" that operate on the route to Burgas along with the vehicles of "BurgasBus."

Чавдар 141 #A 3342 BB

31 december 2011 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Me and another 8 public transportation fans from Burgas rented the bus for a short holiday trip to Sozopol, because that might have been the last New Year for it to celebrate. This is why the table says: "Casual transportation" (at least literally. I don't know if this is the right way to put it on English, but even on Bulgarian I can't figure out how a transportation can be casual). I had to make another frontal photo in Sozopol, but forgot :( If you don't count the paint that has began to blister above the windows, the exterior of the vehicle looks quite good.

Comments: 7

Navigo #CA 1318 PA

11 december 2011 - Sliven, Bulgaria. Inside an Otokar Navigo of "Alex OK".

Navigo #CA 1318 PA

11 december 2011 - Sliven, Bulgaria. An Otokar Navigo of "Alex OK" on the route Burgas-Aytos-Karnobat-Sliven-Veliko Tarnovo during the break at the bus station in Sliven.

Comments: 1

MAN NL202 #BT 4385 AX

14 may 2011 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. A MAN NL 202 bus of "Atanasov" on 13 - something you don't see everyday.

MAN NLxx2 #ВТ 9549 ВМ

january 2011 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Inside a MAN NL202 in Cholakovtzi district. For such an ugly bus, the interior is very clean and in good condition.

Comments: 6

Mercedes-Benz O530 #BT 1988 BK

8 october 2010 - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. I'm not sure about the exact spot on the map, but this picture of the interior of the only Citaro bus in the city was taken on the last stop of the line number 9 in Kartala.

Comments: 8

120 #A 2341 BP

17 may 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. For a moment I thought that the Isuzu joke was going to spoil the picture, but that wasn't the case. So, we now have 2 vehicles on one picture. Nice catch :P

Tedom C12G #A 4471 KH

17 may 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Yet another photo of a Tedom bus with this advertisement. New buses don't need advertisements if you ask me, only old rusty ones do. Unfortunately, it's not me who makes this kind of decisions.

Tedom C12G #A 4476 KH

17 may 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. I think this is the first photo of a Tedom in Burgas, where the bus is wearing this advertisement. It's about a football team. Since Burgas has two teams, the fans of the other one have vandalised with graffitti a few buses.

Comments: 5

Mercedes-Benz O405N #A 9668 KK

11 may 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A Mercedes O405N of BB on an unusual line.

Comments: 6

Mercedes-Benz O305 #3765

23 april 2010 - Sofia, Bulgaria. A Mercedes O305 on the line 75 is taking a rest at the Geo Milev Station. I hope I got the right place on the map.

Mercedes-Benz O530 II #9010

23 april 2010 - Sofia, Bulgaria. I'm not 100% sure about the exact spot on the map, but I was told that I had taken the photo on the Andrey Saharov Bld. Here you go - a Citaro with an absolutely unnecessary advertisement, but I guess the operator doesn't have many old buses to put advertisements on.

Mercedes-Benz O303 #А 6506 ВН

22 april 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A very rare bus - a Scania with a Mercedes O303 facelift. I'm sure it isn't a Mercedes, because there are "Scania" signs everywhere in and on the bus, including the steering wheel and that plate put by the manufacturer, where there are all the charasteristics of the vehicle. If somebody can estimate the exact model of the bus, I'll be very thankful.

Neoplan N116 #A 7183 BH

18 april 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. This is how this gorgeous vintage coach looks like after some repairs.

Comments: 3

Ikarus 386 #A 1704 BM

2 april 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. I'm not sure wether this is the exact model, but it's definitely a rare bus.

Comments: 2

DAF SB201 / Hainje CSA-II #A 1735 AH

31 march 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Here is a DAF bus with new front glasses. I wonder why did they put them to it...

Comments: 5

DAF SB201 / Hainje CSA-II #303

30 march 2010 - Burgas, Bulgaria. My first photo since last September :) Here you see the recently repainted DAF #303. The vehicle number from Holland was apparently removed in the repainting process.

Setra S215 HD #A 6051 BH

25 september 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A recently repaired Setra S215 HD with an air conditioner added to its roof and with some new taillights, transplanted from a Setra S315 HD as well.

Чавдар 141 #A 3342 BB

3 september 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A piece of Bulgarian history right on the Nikola Petkov Boulevard. This is the one and only prototype of Chavdar 141. It was built in 1993, then the bus was tested in Sofia and Burgas (and maybe somewhere else I don't know). Most of its life this specimen spent in the factory in Botevgrad until in 2004 it was purchased by "BurgasBus" and added to the other Chavdar 141 buses. Earlier this year it got busted (not for the first time since coming here) and spent a few months "offline". After four terrible advertisements it had on itself throughout the last years the bus was repainted and now it's once again orange with the sole difference that originally the bumpers and the doors were white.

Comments: 1

DAF SB201 / Hainje CSA-II #208

30 august 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The way the bus was parked was just seducing for any public transportation photographer. One could say that it was posing intentionally :P

120 #A 2653 BH

20 august 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A recently repaired Chavdar 120 bus.

LC-51 #A 3166 AP

15 march 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A Chavdar midi bus, property of who knows whom. I just wonder how could I forgot to upload such a nice picture almost a year and a half ago? After all, these buses are becoming rarer and rarer with every year and pictures like this one will one day be part of the Bulgarian history.

Чавдар 141 #А 4093 ВН

5 august 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A Chavdar 141 bus on the line number 4 riding across the Maria Luiza Boulevard. This line certainly doesn't need articulated buses - look at how many passengers there are inside :] Anyway, it was one course only - it later got back on 211, where most of the articulated buses usually run.

Ikarus 255 #А 1578 ВН

9 july 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Yet another ancient Ikarus bus, but this time used for educational purposes. If you want to learn to drive a bus, this may be your first vehicle. It doesn't look easy to drive, so if you can learn this, it probably means you'll be able to drive anything else.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.02 #A 1587 KP

7 july 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Here's the ancient Ikarus bus already with Burgasian registration plate at the bus station near the Billa store, surounded by buses of "Burgasvolan". They must be having a conversation. The O405G and one of the O307 buses: "You should join us - that's the only way for you to survive". The second O307 is disagreeing: "Naaah, I don't want this Hungarian jabroni in our gang!" And the Ikarus bus is thinking: "Hmmmm..." Seriously, only time will tell wether "Burgasvolan" is indeed the new owner of the bus or it's just a coincidence that the bus is at this place. This would be one step backwards for the private operator because a few years ago they got rid of all Ikarus and Karosa buses in possession and now after all this time buying another Ikarus 260 bus would be a shame especially on this age. Well, I will keep the "?" for an owner.

Comments: 2

Ikarus 260.02 #CT 3919 CC

6 july 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Good news - this veteran right here ain't gonna be scrapped. What's more they have even repainted it :)

Ikarus 260.02 #CT 3919 CC

4 july 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. I wonder how and why did this fellow get right here in Burgas. And can anyone tell me what language is the written below on?

Comments: 10

Mercedes-Benz O405 #A 4200 BA

23 june 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The engine of a Mercedes O405 bus.



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