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Hitachi Nagasaki Denki Kidō 201 series #203
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2020-11-22 19:17:08.3696
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11 february 2019 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.), Ōbashimachi (長崎県長崎市大橋町), Urakami-shako (Urakami Depot) tram stop. All of the three-light signals seen in this photo (they always only show two lights) are shunting signals. Shunting signals of the exactly same style are used by practically all heavy railways in Japan, so it`s somewhat interesting to see them used in a tramway network as well. Signal 4 (under the red X) allows switching back on the mainline, as the track layout at the depot is quite inconvenient - in order to leave most of the depot tracks towards the city (as in head in the direction of this car), one has to pull out to the outbound platform and reverse on the mainline towards the city using one of the crossovers behind the tram in the photo. The other signals are used for pulling into one of the stabling tracks in the depot. Signal 8 seen above the platform to the right is also for entering the depot, however this is for cars on the inbound track which reverse using the platform where I`m standing. Quite a lot of shunting involved. The red X above signal 4 is to confirm point locking, as far as I remember.
en pl gt


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