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MAN 18.220 #404

30 january 2009 - This is what we do when the best display in the world broke down... An A4 paper hanged by two clips with the number of the route... (At least until we mannaged to change vehicule...)

MAN 18.310 HOCL / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #508

30 august 2007 - Scotturb #508 arriving at Praia das Maças. The stop is next to the tram line, that ends here and came from Sintra. Infortunelly, in 2008 Praia das Maças didn't see the arrival of tram, due to problems in the line... :(

Comments: 1

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #520

28 december 2008 - Scotturb #520 at Praia do Magoito. Theese type of photo is only possible due to bad weather. It scares the cars from the parking lot and we can drove the bus there as we want... :P

Comments: 6

MAN 18.280 HOCL-NL / Marcopolo Viale #559

1 february 2008 - Scotturb #559 at the last stop before we hit the most western tip of Europe...

MAN 18.280 HOCL-NL / Marcopolo Viale #566

11 february 2007 - Scotturb #566 seen at the terminal of Rio de Mouro, ready to departure.

MAN 18.220 #417

17 february 2007 - Scotturb #417 at the start point.... Well, a few stops ahead...

MAN 18.220 #413

30 january 2007 - Scotturb #413 seen at road EN247, after passing by Galamares and starting to climb up to Sintra. On the right side of the picture we can see the tram line that goes from Sintra to Praia das Maçãs. In the background, right above the top right of the bus, we can see the Monserrate Palace.

Comments: 2

MAN 18.220 #419

24 february 2007 - Crossroad of Bairo da Tabaqueira (a place were Scotturb and Vimeca networks meet). This is now past, the place is beeing totally diferent nowadays... A roundabout and a new road are beeing built in order to resolve the problems with road traffic in this particulary point of road EN 249-4, at rush hours...

MAN 18.220 #401

17 august 2007 - This is the terminal of route #444 at Praia do Magoito. Early morning shot of Scotturb #401.

MAN 18.310 HOCL / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #508

19 january 2009 - Terminal of route #439 in Almoçageme... Route 439 is one hell of a route... Narrow roads, big loads of passengers and very short time to make the 19 kms beetwen Sintra and Almoçageme...

Comments: 2

MAN 18.310 #501

20 january 2009 - Rare to see and photograph the Scotturb #501 in training for the rookies... "Formação" is the portuguese word for training and as you can see, its written on the display and on the side panels. This bus is also equipped with parking sensors (front and rear) and a computer in order to calculate the fuel consumption.

Comments: 1

MAN SÜxx3 #7680

19 may 2007 - Another bus of Joalto Group making a trip to Sintra. Next to Joalto Mondego #7680 is Joalto Douro #8450. Mondego and Douro are two main rivers of Portugal. Joalto uses these names in order to identify were the network base of the bus is.

MAN SÜxx3 #8440

12 august 2007 - Doing a short visit to Sintra. Still wearing the Alpendurada livery. Alpendurada became part of Joalto Douro brand.

MAN RHC414 Lion`s Coach #7922

8 june 2007 - Guedes #7922 leaving Sintra after a short visit trip...

Iveco Daily 65C18 / Irmãos Mota Atomic Mini Cabrio #901

24 july 2009 - Scotturb #901, one of the two cabriolet bus we have in the fleet. This photo was taken days after their arrival, at Portela de Sintra, in terminal. She and her brother are waiting for sunnier days, to go back on the road...

DAF FA45-180 / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #804

26 september 2007 - Scotturb #804 leaving Faião and continuing is route back to Sintra. It's the beggining of Fall seasson but the sun still rests late...

DAF FA45-180 / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #802

27 may 2007 - Scotturb #802 crossing with Scotturb #752. This used to be an image of Sintra but not anymore... Citos went abroad and DAF's were retired from the 434 route...

Comments: 2

MAN 12.220 HOCL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR #582

11 july 2008 - Scotturb #582 seen at Assafora. A very small village. And one route that is allways a joy to do... Pure countryside... It was also the first service I've done as a bus driver.

MAN 18.220 #414

11 september 2007 - Sometimes during the day, route 441 have an expansion from Azenhas do Mar to Fontanelas. And this is were we turn around the bus, right next to old classics from agriculture... Scotturb #414, one hell of a bus...

Comments: 2

MAN 18.220 #409

16 april 2008 - The White House of Azenhas do Mar at the back of the bus... I stop here a lot when I do the route to Azenhas do Mar and have to do some time to the next schedule. Behind, the cliff and down there the sea, sometimes rough, but allways a joy to listen...

Mercedes O307 #0686

14 july 2007 - Never saw her again... And I don't know if it has allready been scrapped... Seen at Terrugem, resting for the weekend, under a nice but hot sun...

Setra S215 UL #0484

14 december 2008 - Resting for the weekend...

Comments: 2

MAN 18.220 #403

28 may 2008 - The most hated 18.220 by the driver's... The bus doesn't run very well (lack of power), that's why he was hated. But it didn't gave any type of problems, and this is why he was loved by the mechanics... Seen in Fontanelas in the terminal of route 442.

DAF FA45-180 / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #803

27 may 2007 - Every other sunday, there is a market at São Pedro (Saint Peter), in Sintra. And the bus need to pass in right in the midle of the market...

Comments: 1

MAN SL202 #0239

27 august 2007 - In this place we could found all the vehicules from Mafrense that are alocated to the Sintra services...

MAN SL202 #0237

15 june 2007 - Mafrense #0237 seen at were they used to park Mafrense vehicules. Not anymore...

MAN SL202 #0236

15 july 2007 - Mafrense #0236 headed for Mafra, crossing Cheleiros. Underneath the bridge, we found the Lizandro river anda an old and historic bridge.

MAN 18.220 #405

13 may 2008 - Scotturb # 409 at Praia Grande. Every day, the route 439 goes to the beach twice. One in the morning and one at the afternoon. Route 439 is like a hell, but it's a joy doing it and arrive at Praia Grande... Stress is released instantly... :)

Comments: 1

MAN 18.280 HOCL-NL / Marcopolo Viale #568

27 may 2008 - Scotturb #568 caught in front of Sintra Railway Station. Seconds after, this bus is going to make her last trip of the day to Estoril. One lovely bus! Great performance and comfort.

Mercedes-Benz 815D / Irmãos Mota Atomic Mini URB #705

7 august 2007 - Another photo taken at Azenhas do Mar, now with a diferent bus and also another route, the 440. The routes 440 and 441, both serve Azenhas do Mar, from Portela de Sintra, but taking diferent ways to get there. The 440 is a shorter route, ins distance and passangers, so most of the times we use small buses, like this MB O815, bodyed by Irmãos Mota. It's prepared to acommodate a whellchair! The restaurant in the background had just been closed. Untill this day... Will it be forever ?

Comments: 2

MAN 18.310 HOCL / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #509

9 september 2007 - Rear end of Scotturb #509. Seen at Azenhas do Mar, awayting for the departure to Sintra on route 441 (my favourite one). Believe it or not, it's summer! And as you can see, the sky is grey and a few drops of rain made their apperance. I remember this day, the day I brought more people from the beach, when usually is the other away... Second type of body to have underneath the strong MAN 18.310 chassis.

MAN 18.220 #407

8 march 2008 - Scotturb # 407 leaving Carvalhal behind. On the background, Carvalhal itself. A small village that rests in a deep valley. On the left, the Lizandro river, trying to find is way to the Atlantic Ocean.

Comments: 2

MAN 14.240 #536

30 november 2008 - One of the 2 variants of the 14.240 chassis. This one is the shorter one. This bus, alongside with #534, #535, #537, #538 and #539, were design in order to fill up the needs for the 434 route, Pena Sightseeing, replacing the good and brave, but old, DAF's. But this doesn't mean that they can't do any other route. Seen here at Almoçageme, an old village stuck beetween the moutain and the sea, doing route 439 (a route hated by many anda very challenging whem done by a standart size bus...). These bus offer the possibility to raise the suspension, in order to overcome some obstacules.

Comments: 2

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Polis #39-DR-56

3 january 2008 - After beeing in Carris for tests, she came to Scotturb and stayed here for more than 6 months! Seen in Ranholas, a suburb of Sintra, in the most countryside of route 433 - Sintraline. Note the # 999. This bus was/is really something. Very compact and with light weight, the 240 hp do magnificent things... :) And the manouvrabillity is also very, very good. It's almost unstopable...

Author: JoaquiMateus RSS

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O520 #752

19 may 2007 - And here it is the other form of Cito that Scotturb once have. This photo was taken only a few months before they were withdrawn from the Scotturb fleet. It shows 752 at São Pedro (one of the oldest parts of Sintra). Ah ! Don't be scared with the colors from the photo, it's due to the fog that fall over Sintra.

Mercedes O305 #0682

22 april 2007 - Resting on the weekend under a nice cool shade at Montelavar, a small village beetween Sintra and Mafra. Nowadays, she doesn't park here anymore... The seats are made of wood, wich makes this bus very suitable to carry young and missbehaved students... :)

Comments: 2

MAN 12.220 HOCL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR #589

9 may 2008 - Seen here at Almargem do Bispo, Sintra. At the terminal of the 447 route (with a graveyard at the back of the bus...). This is one route I like doing on weekends. Fewer passengers and an old classic country side of Portugal.

Comments: 2

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #524

2008 - MAN 12.240 chassis under Irmãos Mota Midi Atomic UR 2007 body. This model is very inspired by the MAN's Lions City model. Seen here arriving to it's final destination at Chão de Meninos (a Sintra suburb) at the main square. The route is 433 - Sintraline. In the past this route was done by 2 Mercedes O520, very unapropiated for this route, wicg requires power and a lot of traction. Things absent on the O520... :P

Comments: 2

DAF FA45-180 / Irmãos Mota Atomic UR2002 #803

25 august 2007 - Sintra, Volta do Duche. Sintra to urocze miasteczko pełne zamków, pałaców, wzgórz i ogrodów, które są dość znacznie oddalone od siebie. Okólna linia 434 wozi turystów od jednej atrakcji do drugiej z częstotliwością 15 minut w godzinach 10-18.

Author: leo RSS



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