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Lorka #123

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This rail carrier has foot pedals (suggesting some type of engine underneath that cover) and something very strange – a STEERING WHEEL! WTF? Who ever saw a steering wheel on a tram, and what is it for? Maybe someone out there can tell us……..

Comments: 1

La Dyle / ACEC / STIB #2

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. The very smart breakdown tram which is kept at Woluwe. At first glance, this looks like a PCC, but it isn’t – this is ex-5021, one of the Standard cars given new bodies in the 1960s.

TB Standard #55

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. More of the STIB museum trams in Woluwe depot. As several trams were out in special service for the UITP anniversary celebrations, there was room to take pictures of trams which would normally be lined up very close together. #55 is a Bruxelles Standard car, later used as a snowplough, #9098 is a little 2-axle car of 1960 with a PCC-style body and #1505, which was converted to a one-man car in 1967, although the design originally dates back to 1935.

Comments: 1

TB Standard #46

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. STIB has a quite amazing number of operational museum trams, as well as those in the adjoining museum. Here, works car conversion #46 (ex-1205) stands with Bruxelles Standard tams 1002, 1259 and 1064 and PCC 7065.

Comments: 2

4-wheeled motor tram #1305

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. A general view of the ‘working museum‘ depot at Woluwe, where the numerous STIB historic trams are housed. Ezamples run in the city streets every weekend, except in winter - so many old trams live here, they normally fill these eight tracks, four or five cars deep!

Comments: 1

Van Hool AGG300 #5.763

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) - Avenue de Terveuren/Tervurenlaan. There was once a TWB tag category called "Oh, S*hit, there's a bus" and this was one of those occasions. This DOUBLE-ARTICULATED Van Hool went past on the far side of a busy road and this was the best photo I could manage - sorry!

Van Hool 420 HAU St.9 #8660

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) - Avenue de Terveuren. Many of the Van Hool-built STIB museum buses look very similar, but this one has a FIAT engine.

Comments: 1

Brossel A96 DAR / Van Hool #8024

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Avenue de Terveuren. Another Brossel/Leyland/Van Hool from the huge STIB museum fleet - they have more preserved buses than many companies have operating buses (twenty or more).

Comments: 1

Peugeot J7 Durisotti #8905

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Musee du Tram, Woluwe. In England, we would call this little Peugeot bus a 'bread van'. It's now in the STIB museum.

Comments: 3

Brossel A99DAR / Van Hool #8149

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) - Avenue de Terveuren. This bus thinks its a tram......a Line 44 replacement.

Comments: 2

Lohner M #4098

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. Bringing a touch of colour to the Terveuren forest was this 1929 Lohner car from Wien. So, that's one picture of each of the visiting trams - I hope you enjoyed them! Maybe we will never see such an ambitious event ever again?

Comments: 1

Werkspoor RET Vierasser #515

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. A Rotterdam motor-trailer combination (the trailer is #1001). Inside, these are very roomy and bright, with large windows.

RELSE Type D tram #321

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. I photographed this nice interurban in the Natalis transport museum last year, but didn't realise it was still operational. Here it is in full flight along Bruxelles Line 44, having escaped for the weekend.

Bogie tram #505

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. Probably the star of the show was this big Paris centre-entrance car of 1907. This ran from 1936 to 1964 on the rather odd steelworks tramway in Hagondange, France, and I think now belongs to the AMTUIR museum group in Paris. Despite being over 100 years old, it ran with huge loads of passengers all day.

Comments: 1

2-axle tram #144

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Musee du Tram, Woluwe. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. I don't have much information about this little four-wheeler from Nantes, seen here waiting to enter service. Nantes now has a second-generation tramway system (the first trams here ran from 1879 to 1985), so the current operator SEMITAM may operate this old tram - I don't know.

Rathgeber D2.6 #490

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. A Munchen tram that I saw just a couple of weeks ago in its home city, given a unique chance to stretch its legs on the long interurban line to Terveuren.

ATM serie 1500 "Peter Witt" #1505

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Quatre Bras. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. The furthest-travelled visitor was this typical Peter Witt car from ATM Milano, which ran with crush loads all day. Differences in wheel profiles and power collection arrangements (trolley pole, pantograph or bow collector) didn't seem to worry STIB, which even allowed the visiting trams to operate with their 'foreign' crews after a brief test run. In UK, the Health and Safety people would have gone mad.....

Comments: 2

La Brugeoise PCC #1024

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. A Belgian-built PCC from HTM Den Haag, one of the prettiest trams in the world. I want one of these!

Comments: 2

Werkspoor Drieasser #533

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. On 19 September, Line 44 was taken over by museum trams from the extensive STIB museum collection. In addition, ten visiting trams ran in public service - see today's pictures. A unique occasion!

Van Hool A330 #8177

5 september 2010 - Brüsszel, Brits Tweede Legerlaan.

PCC 7900 #7936

16 may 2010 - Brussel, tunel pod dworcem Brussel-Zuid. 15 lipca została zawarta umowa partnerska w dziedzinie transportu zbiorowego między wrocławskim MPK i brukselskim MIVB. Jednym z głównym celów umowy ma być usługa doradztwa MIVB na zlecenie MPK dotycząca pomocy w zakresie obsługi, utrzymania i zarządzania jak również rozruchu każdej sieci, w tym taboru kolejowego. Wszystko pięknie tylko jeśli dobrze pamiętam to MIVB nie obsługuje S-Bahna, którego uruchomienie w planach ma MPK Wrocław. Swoją drogą, który szanujący się przewoźnik komunikacji miejskiej z Europy Zachodniej trudni się obsługą S-Bahna?

PCC 7700 #7717

17 may 2010 - Bruxelles, avenue Maréchal Foch. (NL) Brussels, Maarschalk Fochlaan.

Comments: 2

Bombardier T3000 #3005

17 may 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussels, De Wand.

Bombardier T3000 #3015

17 may 2010 - Bruxelles, Heysel. (NL) Brussels, Heizel.

PCC 7700 #7819

17 may 2010 - Bruxelles, avenue Orban. (NL) Brussels, Orbanlaan.

Comments: 2

Volvo B59-55S / Jonckheere #8147

july 1994 - Bruksela.

Bombardier T2000 #2044

17 may 2010 - Bruxelles, avenue de la Reine. L'Église Notre-Dame de Laeken en arrière-plan. (NL) Brussel, Koninginnelaan. Achtergrond Kerk van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw in Laken.

Comments: 6

PCC 7900 #7943

17 may 2010 - Brussel, Jan Sobieskilaan. Za tramwajem widoczny model kryształu żelaza w skali 165000000000:1 nazywany Atomium. Budowla o wysokości 102 metrów powstała w 1958 roku z okazji światowej wystawy Expo. Po zakończeniu imprezy miała zostać rozebrana. Jak widać stoi do dnia dzisiejszego i nawet doczekała się naprawy średniej.

Comments: 5

PCC 7700 #7786

17 may 2010 - Brussel, pętla Heizel. Żeby nie było, że z Belgii nie przywiozłem fotki 2 członowego wagonu generacji PCC. Sama pętla trochę się zmieniła w ostatnim czasie. Już nie jest tak łatwo jak kiedyś zrobić w tym miejscu zdjęcie tramwaju na tle Atomium.

Comments: 1

Bombardier T3000 #3045

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Avenue LeGrand. On the orbital Line 23, where it crosses the tracks of Line 94 in Avenue Louise.

TB Standard #46

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. The earlier generation of Bruxelles works cars, converted from ‘Standard’ class trams of the 1930s, have now nearly all been replaced by motor transport or by converted PCCs. Car 46, show here, is now just a museum exhibit.

BN PCC 7000 #7093

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This PCC is reserved for the Woluwe museum and wears an unusual cream and brown 1960s livery.

Comments: 1

BN PCC 7000 #7043

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This is one of the very few 1952-built PCC available for normal passenger service (all the others still running are from the later 71xx batch).

Comments: 1

La Dyle / ACEC / STIB #2

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This smart, double-ended works car has been newly converted from a 5000-series bogie car. Note the two pantographs, one for each direction of travel - when in passenger service, these cars only had one.

4-wheeled motor tram #984

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Avenue de Tervueren. Museum tram 984 and open ‘baladeuse’ trailer 301 run along the reserved track towards Montgomery. This line is one of the few in Bruxelles equipped for both pantograph and trolley pole operation, so that museum trams can run here.

PCC 7700 #7805

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Buyl. A stricken PCC is recovered to Ixelles depot, Bruxelles-style. The vehicles are just crossing the ‘grand union’ junction here – the only one on the Bruxelles network.

PCC 7500 #7500

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Arsenal. Prototype articulated PCC runs a Line 23 service along the Bruxelles Ring. This line is normally operated by 2000 and 3000 class cars.

PCC 7700 #7702

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Schaerbeek. A Line 92 service waits at the magnificent Schaerbeek railway station alongside #4032 from the Woluwe museum.

PCC 7700 #7729

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Avenue de Tervueren. Articulated PCC #7729 climbs out of the subway at Montgomery as a museum tram waits alongside to follow it towards Woluwe museum.

Bombardier T4000 #4006

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Churchill. The newest STIB Bombardier trams are very long – double-ended, of course, like almost all Bruxelles trams.

Comments: 4

Bombardier T2000 #2007

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Rue de la Regence. From this angle, you can see the unusual wheels on these trams. Unless the rails are perfect, when the tram reaches a corner, the wheels try to go in different directions – not a good thing. It would be interesting to try one of these on the tracks in Silesia – lots of work for the breakdown men!

Comments: 3

PCC 7700 #7816

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Rue de la Regence. Some people think that Belgium is a very flat country – in fact, Bruxelles has some quite steep places on its tramways, like here on Line 25, approaching Louisa from the Rue Royale.

Comments: 3

Bombardier T2000 #2041

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Churchill. A ‘shrink-wrapped’ 2000 Class tram. Not very nice to travel in, as you can hardly see out of the windows. The unusual wheel design of these trams causes trouble on corners, so they are restricted to 50km/hour maximum and lines that are fairly straight.

Comments: 4

Bombardier T4000 #4002

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Churchill. Relax – this will not be a Lipton Moment. Trams do this all the time at the crazy Churchill loop, where Line 3 circles around 360 degrees to go back to the city, crossing the ‘main line’ trams of Lines 23/24.

Comments: 4

BN PCC 7000 #7052

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Haren. A contrast between a first series Bruxelles PCC and the prototype articulated PCC #7500, which will presumably go to the STIB museum once its working days are over. The future is not so secure for the little PCC, which may be scrapped when no longer needed by the driving school. None of these first-series PCCs are now in normal passenger service.

Comments: 4

Van Hool A300 CNG #8695

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Haren. At the depot entrance, a Van Hool gas-converted bus passes a driving school PCC. The sign on the bus says ‘This bus respects the environment’ – sorry, but not as much as the trams it often replaces……… I know which one I would prefer.

Comments: 3

Windhoff SF-50 #1

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – zajezdnia/depot Haren. The Windhoff is a modular design and can carry a crane or other fittings as required. The Bruxelles pair have matching trailers that can be used in any combination.

Windhoff SF-50 #2

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – zajezdnia/depot Haren. The old Bruxelles works cars are being replaced by converted PCCs and by two smart new Windhoff multi-purpose diesels – this is #2.

TB Standard #31

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – zajezdnia/depot Haren. This must be the last active Bruxelles ‘Standard’ tram from the 1300/1400 series, converted to a works car many years ago. There were once many of these, but now they are almost all gone.

PCC 7500 #7500

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) - Paix/Vrede, Edward Stucke Straat. Even in Bruxelles, there are sections of quiet streets with single-track tramway, if you know where to look. This is on Line 55 near Bordet.

4-wheeled motor tram #984

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Avenue Terveuren. Trees and matching tram - a motor and trailer from the Woluwe museum.

PCC 7500 #7500

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Marie-Jose. STIB tram 7500 is known to enthusiasts as ‘Caroline’ and is kept in semi-preserved condition – this was the prototype for this type of tram. It’s often to be found in service on Lines 39/44 from Montgomery.

STIB 4000 Series #4032

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Flagey. Another view of #4052, showing the door arrangements. From this angle, you can see the two old-fashioned, four-wheel trucks that were used as a basis. It looks very much like a PCC, but isn’t!

STIB 4000 Series #4032

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Place Royale. The museum ‘two-rooms-and-a-bath’ articulated car on a gloomy day near the Royal Palace. These trams were built by STIB in 1965 with new bodies resembling PCCs, but with mechanical and electrical parts from two much older ‘Standard’ cars.

FIAT 420HA-ST2 Van Hool #8366

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Schweitzer. The STIB museum Fiat bus.

FIAT 420HA-ST2 Van Hool #8366

7 june 2009 - Schepdaal (BE). This Fiat bus from the Bruxelles museum collection still operates tourist services in the city. It’s seen here at the Schepdaal SNCV/NMBS Vicinal tramway museum, which was open to the public for some years, but is now a store – I’ll show some pictures of the trams inside another day. Schepdaal was once a tram depot on the line from Bruxelles to Ninove.

Comments: 2

PCC 7700 #7803

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles, Avenue Louise.

Bombardier T2000 #2003

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles, Place Louise.

Bombardier T3000 #3023

27 july 2008 - Brussel, de Brouckere.

Comments: 6

La Brugeoise et Nivelles M90 #155

8 june 2001 - Bruksela. Czterowagonowy skład metra opuszcza stację Heysel/Heizel.



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